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Running Transeptor


  • Metrics - Transeptor bundler can be configured to store metrics using a push(InfluxDB) and pull(Prometheus) metrics system. Grafana is used to visualize all the metrics. Use --metrics flag to enable.
  • Entity Reputation System - When staked(i.e., with an entrypoint contract), an entity can also use its own associated storage and senders' associated storage as ETH. Transeptor can be pre-configured to blocklist and allowlist entities on startup.
  • Native Tracer - Supports native tracer to enforce ERC-7562: Account Abstraction Validation Scope Rules. accountabstraction/geth-native-tracer node.
  • Entrypoint contract - Supports Entrypoint contract releases/v0.7.
  • p2p mempool - Coming soon.

To run Transeptor with ERC-7562: Account Abstraction Validation Rules, a fully synced geth node or a native tracer node must be running alongside the bundler. Both options require the node to be enabled with debug_traceCall.

A native tracer node does not need to be fully synced. To reduce infrastructure overhead, we recommend running Transpetor with a native tracer node.


It is recommended not to run Transpetor with --unsafe in production. This flag is disabled by default and is only intended for experimental and development purposes. Running Transeptor with --unsafe will disable all storage access rules, opcode banning, and code rule validation.

FeatureBase (No Native Tracer)Base (Native Tracer)Searcher (No Native Tracer)Searcher (Native Tracer)
Mempool SupportPrivate mempoolPrivate mempoolPrivate mempoolPrivate mempool
EVM NetworksAll EVM clientsAll EVM clientsEthereum and SepoliaEthereum and Sepolia
Bundle Sending StrategyUses eth_sendRawTransaction RPCUses eth_sendRawTransaction RPCUses Flashbots eth_sendPrivateTransactionUses Flashbots eth_sendPrivateTransaction
Ethereum Network Providerfully synced geth nodeNode services like Infura, Alchemy, etcfully synced geth nodeNode services like Infura, Alchemy, etc
Ethereum Network Provider RequirementsMust support debug_traceCall with standard javascript tracerMust support debug_traceCall with prestateTracerMust support debug_traceCall with standard javascript tracerMust support debug_traceCall with prestateTracer
Native Tracer ProviderNoaccountabstraction/geth-native-tracer nodeNoaccountabstraction/geth-native-tracer node
Native Tracer Provider RequirementsNoMust support debug_traceCall with tracer name: bundlerCollectorTracerNoTracer name: bundlerCollectorTracer

Command line arguments

List of all command line arguments supported by the Transeptor.

docker run -p 4337:4337 --env-file .env transeptorlabs/bundler:latest --help
-V, --version output the version number
--unsafe UNSAFE mode: Enable no storage or opcode checks during userOp simulation. SAFE mode(default).
--tracerRpcUrl <string> Enables native tracer for full validation during userOp simulation with prestateTracer native tracer on the network provider. requires unsafe=false.
--network <string> Ethereum network provider. (default: "http://localhost:8545")
--httpApi <string> ERC4337 rpc method namespaces to enable. (default: "web3,eth")
--port <number> Bundler node listening port. (default: "4337")
--numberOfSigners <number> Number of signers HD paths to use from mnemonic (default: "3")
--minBalance <string> Minimum ETH balance needed for signer address. (default: "1")
--mistake <string> Minimum stake an entity has to have to pass the reputation system. (default: "1")
--minUnstakeDelay <number> Time paymaster has to wait to unlock the stake(seconds). (default: "0")
--bundleSize <number> Maximum number of pending mempool entities to start auto bundler. (default: "10")
--maxBundleGas <number> Max gas the bundler will use in transactions. (default: "5000000")
--auto Automatic bundling. (default: false)
--autoBundleInterval <number> Auto bundler interval in (ms). (default: "12000")
--txMode <string> Bundler transaction mode (base, searcher).
(base mode): Sends bundles using eth_sendRawTransaction RPC(does not protect against front running).
(searcher mode): Sends bundles using Flashbots Auction to protect the transaction against front running (only available on Mainnet) (default: "base")
--metrics Bundler node metrics tracking enabled. (default: false)
--influxdbUrl <string> Url influxdb is running on (requires --metrics to be enabled). (default: "http://localhost:8086")
--influxdbOrg <string> Influxdb org (requires --metrics to be enabled). (default: "transeptor-labs")
--influxdbBucket <string> Influxdb bucket (requires --metrics to be enabled). (default: "transeptor_metrics")
--p2p p2p mode enabled (default: false)
--findPeers Search for peers when p2p is enabled. (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command

Environment variables

List of all environment variables supported by the node.

# Required for production

# Optional